KONREM MET in Ash Separation Plant Siekierki Sp. z o. o. (ZSPS)
2017-07-26Ash Separation Plant Siekierki Sp. z o. o. (ZSPS), belonging to PGNiG TERMIKA, chose KONREM MET to perform overhauls and provide maintenance services for machines and equipment installed for:
- mechanical industry,
- installation Industry: CH, DHW, DCW, process water, fire prevention water,
- industries: ventilation and air conditioning,
- construction industry.
KONREN MET likes people
Together we can do more! The KONREM MET team joined Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift). Szlachetna Paczka is currently one of the ...
Nationwide Art Biennial - 45. Winter Salon
KONREM MET supports artistic events organized by the Art Department of the University of Technology and Huma...